Issue No. 4, 2010-11. Contents & Editor’s Notes

West 10th is one voice, composed of the voices of many. We represent New York City, we represent the places and the people we come from, we represent each other and also the distinct life that each of us leads. Above all, however, we are a generation structurally akin to a collage; defining moments, both tragic and to be celebrated, have seemingly arrived from every angle. Every street corner or avenue offers a separate affirmation, a separate indictment, of us young folks. While we stand at the center of our lives, who we are comes rushing at us from the entire perimeter. Often we are overwhelmed, we hunch and drag our feet, a muddled amalgamation of things we don’t quite know. West 10th is a humble undergraduate literary journal, but it is also a space in which the trembling, beautiful monster of our generation may rear its shaggy head to sing its song. 

Now in our fourth year, West 10th continues to build itself, opening this space further and further. We are indebted to those who came before us, into whose labors we have stepped. Others will come after us, as well. Writers and artists will continue to be born, to interrogate ourselves and others, and to form communities, in which we may speak honestly to each other, may see each other clearly. We are young, and we honor our youth. 

Thank you to Dean Matthew S. Santirocco, Deborah Landau, Jessica Flynn, Scott Statland, Matthew Rohrer and Darin Strauss, my wonderful Managing Editor Liora Connor, to Henri Cole for his poem, to Zadie Smith for answering our questions, to Laura Stephenson for her tireless work and invaluable help, and to the entire editorial board for their hard work. Finally, thank you to everyone who submitted to West 10th, published or not, for your courage and your generosity. 

Soren Stockman


Interview with Zadie Smith
Poem by Henri Cole (Guest Contributor), Hairy Spider


Vanessa Victoria Volpe, Naming Ceremony
Malarie Gokey, And I Hold On
Julia Catalano, Departure
Eric Kim, Abilene
Husayn Carnegie, Why I place pictures of myself everywhere I go
Maya Lowy, Will you droop your spine to hear me speak, like I am a new sun?
Amanda Levendowski, The heat did things to us both
Nathaniel Cabral, The Passing of Winter
Cate Mahoney, Vincent washes his brushes under water
Andrew Colarusso, Ensifera; p. 36 
Cynthia Allum, Mounting
Alice Jerman, Wintering Over
Cassidy Havens, Paedophobia
Galina Arnaut, You and I
Joe Bussiere, Excerpt from “[Lightning]”
Sam Selinger, Unreliable Narrations of Three Ansel Adams Photographs
Sam Selinger, Variations on a Window, Late November

Mimi Amado, Playgrounds
Josh Cabrido, forever lov(n)eliness
Brooke Wade Murphy, Summer Haircut


Jonah Greenstein, The Morbidly Obese Sheep
Ben Miller, Eight Movements
Carol Cho, To Be Taken WIth a Grain of Salt
Conor Burnett, Philatelist


Nina Culotta
Michael George
Charlotte Hornsby
Drew Mckenzie
Katrina Pallop
Jackie Russo
Sarah Schneider
Dylan Sites
Jenna Spitz
Ken Volk
Mallika Vora