West 10th is a literary journal publishing poetry, prose, art, and photography by New York University's undergraduate students. It is edited and produced annually by a student-run editorial board and the NYU Creative Writing Program.


Lauren Stanzione


Lauren Stanzione is a senior at New York University studying English and Creative Writing. She is from New Jersey, the suburban part with a lot of cows and corn fields and amazing Italian-American bakeries. Her hobbies include getting lost in cities, deep thoughts on trains, cooking pasta, and repeatedly listening to the same five songs. Her work can be found in Fellowship of the Unmoored, Vagabond Multilingual Journal, Brio, The Weasel, PARK Magazine, West 10th, Kelsey Review, Washington Square News, and Northern Lights.

Sam Earley

Managing Editor

Sam Earley is a senior from Los Angeles, California. He is majoring in English with minors in Creative Writing and Psychology. He writes about America in all its shapes and sizes and multitudes. You can primarily find his work taped to the walls of his room, in various levels of completeness. Sam enjoys reading and collecting books (two different hobbies), as well as photography, road trips, and always doing two things at once.

Lola Bosa

Prose Editor

Lola Bosa is a junior majoring in English Literature and minoring in Creative Writing. In her spare time, she loves doing the Wordle when she remembers, reading creative non-fiction, and talking about her current favorite musicals.

Hannah Kesselman

Prose Editor& Social Media Team

Hannah Keselman (she/her) is a sophomore at CAS majoring in English with a concentration (and minor) in Creative Writing. She spends most of her time reading other people's books and trying to write her own. When she is not writing, she enjoys listening to Taylor Swift, doing the New York Times Spelling Bee, and dreaming up new dessert recipes.

Bella Jiang

Prose Editor

Bella Jiang is a senior from California majoring in Media, Culture, and Communication with minors in Creative Writing and Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. She loves reading, writing, watching—as well as cats, naps, and eating hot chip (but not lying!). 

Spencer Squitieri

Prose Editor

Spencer Thomas is a Junior at the NYU College of Arts and Sciences studying English on the Creative Writing Track with minors in Film Production, Creative Writing, and Journalism. Thomas is the creator of “byspencerthomas,” an account dedicated towards creative writing, lifestyle content, and LGBTQ+ inclusivity, with a combined following of over 260,000. His debut book was released in early 2024.

Josie Sedam

Prose Editor

Josie is a sophomore majoring in politics with a minor in creative writing. She loves traveling, writing, and talking about Taylor Swift. She can often be found listening to audiobooks on long walks or enjoying a bagel sandwich in the park.

Catherine Xue

Prose Editor

Catherine Xue is a freshman studying the intersection between Creative Writing and Business at Gallatin. She listens to sad music on rotation (even if she’s happy) and writes strictly in EB Garamond font. If she’s not crying over her math homework, she’s probably teaching herself how to draw.

Joyce Cayre

Prose Editor

Joyce Cayre is Sophomore at CAS studying English Literature and Creative Writing. She spends most of her time reading, writing, and drinking Diet Coke as if it were a personality trait. Her work features protagonists you will probably hate.

Alexa Donovan

Prose Editor

Alexa Donovan is a junior majoring in journalism and art history and minoring in creative writing. She is also the Arts Editor at the Washington Square News and often sits behind the front desk at the Grey Art Museum. You can find her in Bobst Library most hours of the day and on Goodreads @alexafdonovan

Winter Jung

Poetry Editor

Please refrain from mentioning oxford commas around Winter Jung. They are a junior studying creative writing, linguistics, and the perfect coffee order. When not joking about their perpetually unfinished projects, they can be found starting another perpetually unfinished project.

Ranina Simon

Poetry Editor

Ranina Simon is a junior from DC and Jakarta, but she's doing her best to make New York homebase. She studies English Literature (with a concentration in Creative Writing) and Journalism. Ranina spends her time needlessly buying leather jackets, brooding on her fire escape, and writing poems about brooding on her fire escape.

Pritheva Zakaria 

 Poetry Editor

Pritheva Zakaria is a sophomore double majoring in Journalism and English. When she's not reading or writing, she loves to spend time with her friends exploring NYC (for free of course). Her other hobbies include cooking, doing her makeup, making questionable decisions, and always having a story to tell.

Emerald Lin

Poetry Editor

Emerald Lin is a third-year studying English and Ecology at NYU. They grew up in Taiwan. They enjoy long walks and are currently slightly obsessed with birds. Their work has appeared in West 10th, Aromatica Poetica, Portrait, Generasian, and Mercer Street.

Franklin Dong

Poetry Editor

Franklin Dong is a junior currently double majoring in English and Data Science. In his spare time, he loves to read & write, listen & make music, watch soccer & basketball, and stare wearily into the distance.

Lili Raynaud

Poetry Editor

Lili Raynaud is a sophomore at NYU studying Journalism, Politics, and Creative Writing. In her free time, she enjoys going on walks, eating Asian food, and wistfully reading Proust on the Metro-North. She does the New York Times crossword every Monday, and tends to writes poetry about the same thing twice. Her work can be found in Same Faces Collective, A Partager Zine, and The Weasel.

Joanne Lee

Poetry Editor

Joanne Lee is a freshman studying English & American Literature at New York University. In her free time, she can be found admiring cute dogs on social media, writing a poem, roaming the halls of the Met, or eating dessert.

Eliana Brown 

Art Editor

Eliana Brown is a senior at New York University studying Journalism, English Literature, and Creative Writing. Her work has been published in L’OFFICIEL USA, MEUF Magazine, The WeaselWashington Square News, Her Campus, Eleven and a Half Journal, and Aspirations. More often than not, she can be found at a concert somewhere.

Faith Bradford

Art Editor

Lena Melentijevic 

Copy Editor 

Lena Melentijevic is a junior in CAS and Steinhardt, double majoring in Journalism and Media, Cultures and Communications. Lena is from Belgrade, Serbia. When she's not buried in research for one of her next articles, you can find her bumming everyone out by singing sad music in karaoke, dancing, diamond painting or talking somebody's ear off.

Ellen Corry

Copy Editor 

Ellen is a junior drama major in Tisch studying at the Experimental Theatre Wing. Hailing from North Georgia, her writing focuses on the beauty of Southern stories, the silly nature of growing up, and her stellar music taste. Her work can also be found in Salvation South. .

Maya Monteleone

 Copy Editor 

Maya Monteleone is a junior studying English Literature in the College of Arts & Science. She transferred to NYU from Boston Conservatory at Berklee College of Music, where she studied drama. A lover of singing and 19th century gothic novels, she can be found visiting museums or listening to jazz.

Lucy Levinson 

Copy Editor

Lucy is a junior studying journalism and French in the College of Arts & Sciences at NYU. She’s from Baltimore, Maryland. Amongst other things, Lucy likes to read a book, hike a hill, pluck a guitar, swim a length, have a laugh, and flip through a New Yorker when in a vehicle.

Sydney Rousseau

Copy Editor

Sydney is a junior in Gallatin from Dublin, New Hampshire. She is concentrating in creative writing, English literature, and interior design. When not reading, writing, or obsessively redecorating her apartment, she can be found with her dog, Finnley, in Madison Square Park

Jo Berenson

Copy Editor

Jo Berenson is a junior at NYU studying English Literature with a specialization in Creative Writing, and a minor in Film Production. When she is not plotting her novella or writing short stories, Jo can be found producing independent short and feature films. She is the primary producer on Where The Walls Fall Over and a regular contributor to NYU's travel magazine, Baedeker

Kiran Rajagopal

Copy Editor

Alex Ridley

Event Team

Alex Ridley (he/him) is a copyeditor for West 10th’s 2023-24 season. He's based in the East Village, San Francisco born and raised. An Anthro major, but he just picked up a minor in BEMT to try out music business and data analysis. He’s been spending his free time playing guitar, and is currently having a strike of songwriting inspiration. If you wanna jam or need an accompanist (on rhythm or lead), let him know @415ridley. He equally loves longterm projects and a good one-off gig. He’s the Publicity Chief (and social media manager) of NYU’s Greene St. Review. Before that, he Stage Managed a bunch—and will still SM/AD/Direct your show if you ask. He hopes to create one project he’s proud of in every artistic medium.

Ife Davis

Event Team

Ife Davis (she/her) is a sophomore Drama major at the NYU Playwrights Horizons studio with a minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. In addition to planning events for West 10th, she is assistant directing Fun Home for Tisch New Theatre and Poof! for The American Classics Theatre. As a performer, poet, and playwright, Ife advocates for diverse, inclusive storytelling and uses her artistic skills to better serve her community. Ife has produced three of the plays she’s written, as well as a short film showcased at the Cantor Film Center in Spring 2024. @thatsifedavis

Kahmeeah Obey

Social Media & Web Team

Vee Newman

Social Media & Web Team

Oshmi Ghosh

Social Media & Web Team

Levi Langley

Social Media & Web Team

Levi is a first-year from Austin, Texas, and is in Gallatin studying Creative Writing and Journalism. (Also minoring in Creative Writing!) When she’s not reading or writing poetry, you can find her on a long run, practicing yoga, hanging out in a park with her headphones in (most likely listening to alt-country), or trying to find a good cup of coffee. Her hyper fixations are Elena Ferrante, Pinegrove, the Hudson Valley region, and public transportation